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欧美监管明确度再度提升、数字化服务、STG合作通告通讯周刊#13- 世链



Substantial Steps Toward Regulatory Clarity in the EU and US ; Tokenization as a Service;  We Are Partnered with Security Token Group


Last week was a pretty big one for DeFi, but this week, dare we say, has been a pretty big week for us... 


Not only are we in the closed beta testing phase of our digital asset management platform RedLedgers, we also, if you can’t tell by the big banner below, have partnered with the amazing team at Security Token Group to deliver quality content promoting digital asset tokenization around the world.

上周三,RedBlock旗下数字资产管理平台RedLedgers启动了封闭测试;周四,RedBlock正式宣布与Security Token Group的优秀团队建立合作关系,双方将携手通过共建优质宣发内容并共同致力于推进全球资产数字化进程。


Check out the full press release with all the details on this partnership and Security Token Group on our site.


And of course, this week we have a new market research report covering Bitcoin Puell Multiple and Stablecoin Supply Ratio on our site.


Before we get into it, applications to be a RedLedgers beta tester are still open, so apply today!Please fill in our application form if you are interested-


Regulatory News



1.An Update on the EU’s Digital Asset Regulations欧盟数字资产监管动态

This is a big one. The European Union’s forthcoming legislation on regulating digital assets saw an increase in active speculation and discussion, when, last week, a draft of said legislation was leaked. In an interview with Crowdfund Insider, the Head of Innovation and Fintech at global law firm Gide 255, Franck Guiader, asserted that from a “legal perspective… it will create confidence, certainty, and will open a pan-European market for these players that will benefit from the EU passport mechanism.” Moreover, Guiader also holds hopes that already established capital markets players will be more likely to explore innovative solutions through distributed ledger technology. (Crowdfund Insider)

上周,欧盟即将出台的数字资产监管立法草案被提前泄露,引发了诸多猜测与讨论。全球律师事务所Gide 255 purely创新和金融科技主管Franck Guiader在接受Crowdfund Insider采访时表示:“从法律上讲……这将为那些将受益于欧盟护照机制的参与者们创造信心和确定性,并将开启一个泛欧洲市场。”此外,Guiader还希望那些已经成立的资本市场参与方更愿利用分布式账本技术探索创新的解决方案。(Crowdfund Insider)

2. The US’s Own Path Towards Regulatory Clarity美国特色监管方式

The US, like last week, is seeing more big moves toward regulatory clarity concerning security tokens and cryptocurrency. This time around, two bills have been introduced into congress: the Securities Clarity Act and the Digital Commodities Exchange Act. The point of the former is to allow digital securities, as long as they are registered as securities or practice compliance as exemptions, to be handled without any fear of punishment from regulators. The latter provides clarity for “crypto exchanges who offer the buying and selling of tokens that would fit into the definition provided by” the Securities Clarity Act. (Forbes)

美国对数字代币与加密资产的监管政策有了最新进展。上周,相关部门共向国会递交了两份法案,分别是《证券明确法》(the Securities Clarity Act)和《数字商品交易法》(the Digital Commodities Exchange Act)。前者的要义在于只要数字证券被注册为证券或合规豁免,那么在处理时便无需担心会受到监管机构的处罚。后者的适用对象为“进行符合《证券明确法》(Securities clarity Act)规定的代币买卖服务的加密交易所”。(Forbes)

Industry Updates



1.Our Industry Has Really Grown Up加密界飞速发展

According to a study by the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF), the total amount of crypto asset users has increased by a staggering amount in the period between 2018 and Q3 2020. That is, in 2018 we had about 35 million unique users and today the crypto asset user base numbers around 101 million. Another, very telling tidbit included in the study was the fact that “cryptoasset service providers operationally headquartered in North America and Europe indicate that business and institutional clients make up 30% of their customers — a significant portion of the sector.” If we’re to say one thing about this, it’s that the amount of institutional adoption here paints a picture of a thriving digital asset sector. (Crowdfund Insider)

剑桥另类金融中心(Cambridge Centre for Alternative FinanceCCAF)发布的报告显示:2018年至2020年第三季度期间,加密资产总用户量实现惊人增长。2018年,加密资产独立用户总量约为3500万,而当前这一数值已经飙升至1.01亿。“总部设于北美和欧洲的加密资产服务商指出:商务与机构客户占其客户总比例的30%——这一数据揭示出了该行业的重要组成部分。”我们认为机构采用量描绘出了欣欣向荣的数字资产领域蓝图。(Crowdfund Insider)

2.…And Speaking of Institutional Adoption, News From Visa


It has become clear that Visa is not shying away from the blockchain. Visa is currently conducting meaningful research on crypto and how it can approach digital currency, as well as admitting partners to Visa’s Fast Track program, where Visa will help “crypto partners that want to issue Visa credentials”. Not only this, but Visa is also looking towards treating “interoperating with a blockchain network that [they] don’t control as being no different than a third-party real-time payments platform.” The future for the relationship between this financial industry giant and the blockchain is bright. (Forbes)


3. SaaS, BPaaS, and now TaaS??继SaaS与BpaaS后,TaaS横空出世??

If you guessed that we meant Tokenization as a Service, you are exactly right. California-based payment platform Marqeta is now offering tokenization services to mobile wallets holding cards issued by banks or fintech companies. That is, it “enables banks or fintechs to instantly add credit, debit or prepaid cards to a digital wallet by directly managing tokens instead of going through a third party”. Marqeta has truly made it easy for financial service providers to allow for tokenized payments through its new set of APIs. What’s more, “Marqeta already has extensions to the card network certifications, so tokenization service users may add Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay to wallets via tokens”. This rollout is accompanied not only by Marqeta’s recognition of a gap in the market for this type of service, but also its sincere expectations that its tokenization service will be adopted by banks that are adapting to the trend towards digital assets. (PaymentsSource)

没错,TaaS便是数字化即服务(Tokenization as a Service)。加州支付平台Marqeta正式开始向绑定银行卡及金融科技公司卡的数字钱包提供数字化服务。此举“可使银行或金融科技企业绕过第三方机构而直接进行数字代币管理,从而能即时完成数字钱包中的卡片(含信用卡、借记卡或预付卡))绑定操作。”Marqeta允许数字服务商通过其最新API组件完成数字支付,从而大大简化了其操作过程。此外,“Marqeta还已扩展了信用卡网络认证,也就是说数字化服务用户可以经由数字代币将Apple PayGooglePay以及Samsung Pay添加到钱包之中。”这也表明Marqeta不仅意识到此类服务在市场上存在空缺,而且期望其数字化服务能被正在适应数字化资产趋势的银行界所采用。(PaymentsSource)

Investment & Financing



1.Investor Interest in Long-term Crypto Holdings


In a report by Bitcoin IRA, a ”digital asset IRA technology platform that allows clients to purchase cryptocurrencies and other digital assets for their retirement accounts”, investor interest in holding cryptocurrencies for the long-term has increased by 20% since an initial survey was conducted in June of this year. (Daily Journal)

Bitcoin IRA报导:“数字资产IRA技术平台允许客户为其退休账户购进包括加密货币在内的数字资产。”投资者长期持有加密货币的意愿较6月初次调研时已成功增长了20%(Daily Journal)


Regulatory News监管动态

  1. “European      Union Digital Asset Legislation Anticipated to Create Confidence, Open the      Market to DLT Innovators”- https://www.crowdfundinsider.com/2020/09/167193-european-union-digital-asset-legislation-anticipated-to-create-confidence-open-the-market-to-dlt-innovators/

  2. “Two New Bills In Congress Offer      Clarity For Blockchain Tokens And Crypto Exchanges”- https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonbrett/2020/09/24/two-new-bills-in-congress-offer-clarity-for-blockchain-tokens-and-crypto-exchanges/

Industry News行业要闻

  1. “Global      Cryptoasset Benchmarking Study: CCAF Updates on Digital Asset Ecosystem      During Period of Growth”- https://www.crowdfundinsider.com/2020/09/167220-global-cryptoasset-benchmarking-study-ccaf-updates-on-digital-asset-ecosystem-during-period-of-growth/

  2. “Visa’s Crypto Strategy Is Driving      Its Next Stage Of Growth”- https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenehrlich/2020/09/23/visas-crypto-strategy-is-driving-its-next-stage-of-growth/#7c7fca315c4c

  3. “Marqeta rolls out instant      card-tokenization service”- https://www.paymentssource.com/news/marqeta-rolls-out-instant-card-tokenization-service

Investment and Financing Progress投融资进展

  1. “Bitcoin      IRA™ Survey Shows More Bullish Long-Term Investor Sentiment Today Than In      June”- https://www.djournal.com/bitcoin-ira-survey-shows-more-bullish-long-term-investor-sentiment-today-than-in-june/article_7031fd9f-7860-54ba-85e1-219cd04a904d.html


