首页 > 世链号 > 【1inch代币】惠誉评级:Libra 将是银行支付机制的最新挑战!

【1inch代币】惠誉评级:Libra 将是银行支付机制的最新挑战!


日期:2019 年 7 月 8 日,伦敦, 06:24


编译:数链评级( www.shulianratings.com)

原题:Fitch Ratings: Libra the Latest Challenge to Bank Payment


惠誉集团(Fitch Group)由约翰·惠誉(John Knowles
Fitch)于 1913 年创办,总部位于纽约及伦敦,是金融信息服务的全球领导者,业务遍及 30 多个国家。它由惠誉评级( Fitch
Ratings)、惠誉解决方案(Fitch Solutions)和惠誉学习(Fitch Learning)组成。

1975 年,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)认可标准普尔(S&P;)、穆迪(Moody's)和惠誉评级为“全国认定的评级组织”(NRSRO)。根据 SEC 向国会提交的 NRSROs (2018 年度)报告,三家市场份额分别是 49.20%、33.10% 和 13.50%,2017 年三家合计收入约 66.81 亿美元,在全球占据绝对垄断地位。



惠誉评级认为,Facebook 的 Libra 加密货币是发达市场大型科技公司为建立替代零售支付机制所做的重大突破,旨在模仿中国和拉丁美洲类似计划的成功。

Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency is a significant effort by a developed-market
big-techfirm to set up an alternative retail payment mechanism, and aims to
emulate thesuccess of similar initiatives in China and Latin America, Fitch
Ratings says.

我们预计对北美和欧洲银行的短期和中期影响有限,但 Western
Union (西联汇款)、Moneygram (速汇金)和 Transferwise 等跨境支付商可能会受到影响。

#西联汇款是目前世界领先的特快汇款公司,迄今已有 150 年的历史。__

#2017 年 1 月 26 日,蚂蚁金服欲以约 8.8 亿美元并购速汇金。__
2018 年 1 月 2 日,美国外资投资委员会(CFIUS)以国家安全为由否决了二者的合并计划。__

#Transferwise 是一家提供国际汇款转账服务的 P2P 平台。__

We expect limited short- to medium-term impact on North American and European
banks, although cross-border payment specialists such as Western Union,
Moneygram and Transferwise could be affected.**

Facebook 广泛的网络,大数据访问和技术最终可以帮助 Libra 挑战银行支付机制的主导地位。

Facebook's extensive network, big data access and technology could eventually
help Libra challenge banks' dominance of payment mechanisms.

但严格的监管和对数据隐私的担忧可能会限制 Facebook 利用这些因素的能力。**

But tight regulation and concerns about data privacy may constrain Facebook's
ability tocapitalise on these factors.

如果 Libra 取得成功,它可能主要用作 Facebook 和其他消费者公司的替代支付渠道,类似于 PayPal 拥有的 Venmo 服务,或像中国大型科技公司腾讯提供的虚拟货币 Q 币。

#PayPal 于 1998 年建立,是一个总部在美国加利福尼亚州的在线支付服务商。__

#Venmo 是一间位于美国纽约州纽约市的电子商务公司。__

#Q 币是由腾讯推出的一种虚拟货币,通过购买 QQ 卡,电话充值,银行卡充值,网络充值,手机充值卡,一卡通充值卡等方式获得。__

If Libra comesto fruition, it is likely be used primarily as an alternative
payment rail for Facebook and other consumer companies, similar to the Venmo
service owned byPayPal, or Q Coin, a virtual currency offered by Chinese big-tech firm Tencent.

Calibra 是 Facebook 的一家子公司,在美国注册为一家货币服务商(Money Service Business,MSB)。**
它计划使用电子钱包,允许转入和转出 Libra。

Calibra, a Facebook subsidiary registered in the US as a money service
business, plans an electronic wallet allowing transfers into andout of Libra.

Libra 与 Calibra 的一起使用可以在 Facebook 拥有最大常规用户群的地方,特别是亚太地区,增加 Facebook 从电子商务和支付中获得的收入。

The use of Libra, with Calibra, could increase Facebook's revenue from
e-commerce and payments, particularly in Asia-Pacific, where Facebook has its
largest regularuser base.

Non-bank channels have gained most ground in emerging markets, even in Asia
where large banks dominate financial services, aided by affordable mobile
phonedata tariffs.


Severalbig-tech firms have successfully created their own payments
infrastructure closely intertwined with core products such as e-commerce,
social media and messaging.

例如,蚂蚁金服的支付宝和腾讯的微信支付在中国的支付处理量相当于 2017 年中国 GDP 的 16%。**

Examples include Ant Financial's Alipay and Tencent's WeChat Pay in China,
whose payment processing volumes were equivalent to 16% of China's GDP in


However,non-bank payments processing remains minimal in North America, Europe
and developed Asia-Pacific markets, where big-tech firms still use
existingbank-based payment infrastructure.

严格的监管可能会使 Facebook 和 Libra 的公司支持者们的雄心壮志得到一定控制。**
Strict regulation may keep the ambitions of Facebook and Libra's other
corporate backers in check.

鉴于 Facebook 拥有大量用户,标准制定者和监管机构可能会将 Libra 视为系统支付基础设施。**

Standard-settersand regulators are likely to regard Libra as a systemic
payment infrastructure given Facebook's large number of users.


The Financial Stability Board has warned of risks created by cryptocurrencies
outsideregulators' authority, noting that use of cryptocurrencies for retail
payments would warrant tight regulatory oversight.

尚不清楚 Libra 用户是否会受益于州存款保险计划。

It is unclear whether Libra users will benefit from state deposit insurance

中央银行通过改变一揽子支持资产的构成影响 Libra 的价值,进而阻止 Facebook 及其合作伙伴的潜在影响。**

Central banks may also baulk at the potential ability of Facebook and its
corporate partners to influence Libra's value by changing the composition of
the basket of backingassets.


Ensuringcompliance with data protection and privacy requirements will be

在中国,腾讯 Q 币的使用在 2000 年代迅速扩大,超越了虚拟经济进入实体经济。
2009 年,中国政府立法规定虚拟货币只能用于虚拟世界,原因是担心 Q 币会中断货币传输,犯罪分子可能会利用它们来洗钱。**

In China, use of Q Coin expanded rapidly in the 2000s, reaching beyond the
virtual economyinto the real economy. In 2009, the Chinese government
legislated that virtual currency could only be used in the virtual world, due
to concerns that Q Coins were interrupting monetary transmission and that
criminals could use them tolaunder money.

尤其是考虑到反洗钱监管方面,Libra 可能受到监管机构的阻碍,迫使其通过银行账户实现 Libra 与法定货币的转换。**
Libra may be hampered by regulators forcing the use of bank accounts to change
between it and fiat currency, particularly given anti-money-launderingregulation.

如果银行仍然需要使用-并付款-作为支付流程的一部分,目前尚不清楚 Libra 如何能够显着降低跨境费用。**

It is not clearhow Libra can significantly reduce cross-border fees if banks
still have to beused - and paid - as part of the payments process.

由于必须满足不同司法管辖区的法律标准和法规,Libra 也面临成本和摩擦。**

Libra also faces costs and friction from having to satisfy legal standards and
regulationsacross different jurisdictions.

Libra 的使用可能会使 Facebook 获得有关客户支出模式的更多信息,这可以帮助其企业客户提供更有针对性的服务。**

Technology firms, particularly those focusing on social media, are well placed
to gainaccess to valuable data about their users. Libra usage is likely to
give Facebook access to greater information about client spending patterns,
whichcould help its corporate customers offer more targeted services.

Facebook 通过 Calibra 最终可能会提供更广泛的金融服务,包括信贷设施,并与仍然严重依赖传统基础设施的传统银行竞争。**

Via Calibra,Facebook could eventually branch out to offer broader financial
services, including credit facilities, and compete with traditional banks
still heavily reliant on legacy infrastructure.


However, this would necessitate a fully regulated entity and associated costs,
including capital and liquidity requirements.






惠誉评级曾于今年 6 月 24 日在官网刊文《Facebook 的 Libra 区块链可能是可行的技术加密货币》。英文标题为
Facebook's Libra Blockchain May Be Viable Tech Cryptocurrency》。

惠誉评级称,由 Facebook 领导,支付、技术和其他组织共同努力的 Libra 区块链代表了向潜在可行的加密货币迈出的一步。**

Libra Blockchain, a joint effort among payments, technology and other
organizations,led by Facebook, represents a step toward a potentially viable
cryptocurrency,says Fitch Ratings.


The digitalcurrency is also another example of large technology companies
moving into financial services.

我们相信 Libra 融合并改进了现有区块链技术的要素,同时解决了某些固有的缺陷,即价格不稳定和治理挑战。**

We believe Libra incorporates and improves upon elements of existing
blockchain technology,while resolving certain inherent drawbacks, namely price
instability and governance challenges.

Libra 的设计似乎也符合监管机构的认可和合法性。**

Libra also seems to be designed with regulatory acceptance and lawfulness in

Facebook 将在 2019 年之前充当主导角色,但该公司对 Calibra 钱包和 27 亿用户群的并行开发可能会通过 Libra 加密货币让 Facebook 立刻壮大。

Facebook will lead the effort only through 2019 but the company's parallel
development of the Calibra wallet and 2.7 billion user base could give
Facebook immediate scalewith the Libra cryptocurrency.

此外,我们认为 Facebook 的技术领先地位,巨大的财务灵活性和集中扩大发展中国家市场占有率的战略,将提升 Libra 的落地可能性。**

Further, we view Facebook's technology leadership, substantial financial
flexibility and strategic focus on expanding its platforms across the
developing world asincreasing the chances Libra gets off the ground.

Libra 与其他加密货币的潜在优势在于它拥有法币管理的一揽子储备资产支持,储备基金很像货币委员会。**
A potential advantage of Libra versus other cryptocurrencies is its
fullbacking by a reserve basket of fiat currency assets managed in a reserve
fund implemented like a currency board.


The size of thereserve fund will be a function of transactional demands, not
an arbitrary supply limit or other algorithm as in other cryptocurrency


These measures could preserve price stability, avoiding the speculative nature
of existing cryptocurrencies and improving its utility as a medium of exchange
and store ofvalue, which is the key to long-term viability.

从技术角度来看,Libra 结合了一种名为“Move”的专用编程语言来标准化合同并提高安全性,以及拜占庭容错(BFT)方法,以便就其他区块链使用的工作证明方法达成共识,这很可能实质上提高性能和能耗。

From a technical perspective, Libra combines a purpose-built programming
language called "Move" to standardize contracts and improve security,along
with a Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) approach to consensus over a proof of
work approach used by other blockchains, which is likely to improve
performance and energy consumption materially.

这些特征,以及作为许可系统开始的选择,而不是免许可的系统,其目标是随着时间的推移变得无权限,这可能使 Libra 区块链更有可能获得成功。**

These characteristics, along with the choice to begin as a permissioned system
asopposed to a permission-less one with the goal of becoming permission-less
overtime, could make it more likely Libra Blockchain becomes successful.

我们认为 Libra 的概念化与实现审慎监管和消费者保护的高标准基本一致。**
We believe Libra's conceptualization is fundamentally aligned with
achievinghigh standards for prudent regulation and consumer protection.
However,systemic risk could arise so regulation will be an important
mitigating factor.

创始人的初步治理,包括 Facebook 和主要支付公司,如万事达卡,维萨卡,PayPal (BBB +
/ 稳定版)和 Stripe,以及最终扩大到符合某些标准的组织的成员资格,应该调整财务资源,增加稳定性并减少对规避法律法规。
Initial governance by the founders, which includes Facebook and major payments
companies, such as Mastercard, Visa, PayPal (BBB+/Stable) and Stripe,
andeventual expansion of membership to organizations meeting certain
criteriashould align financial resources, increase stability and reduce
incentives tocircumvent laws and regulation.

这种治理应该有助于建立与消费者的信任,但监管机构的接受最终是 Libra 变得可行的必要条件。**
英格兰银行行长上周发表的评论表明,Libra 将面临严格的监管审查,但考虑到加密货币有可能改善金融包容性并降低国内和跨境支付成本,因此将以开放的态度加以考虑。

Such governance should help build trust with consumers but regulatory
acceptance is ultimately necessary for Libra to become viable. Comments
lastweek by the Governor of the Bank of England suggest Libra would face tough
regulatory scrutiny but would be considered with an open mind given the
cryptocurrency's potential to improve financial inclusion and lower costs of
domestic and cross border payments.

Libra 协会估计有 17 亿成年人,其中 10 亿人拥有移动电话和 5 亿互联网接入服务,但银行服务不足。**
该协会认为,这种无银行账户的人口可以通过其加密货币服务,实现近乎无成本的交易,汇款金额低于 1 美元甚至接近几美分。**

The Libra Association estimates 1.7 billion adults, 1.0 billion of which have
a mobilephone and 500 million internet access, are underserved by banks. The
association believes this unbanked population can be served by its
cryptocurrency enabling near costless transactions and remittances of
amountsless than $1 and even approaching just a few cents.

虽然 Libra 的某些设计元素有可能使其成为可扩展的加密货币,但竞争剧烈。**
据报道,社交应用 Signal、Kakao 和 Line 正在追逐类似的数字货币,Telegram 显然正在计划推出区块链平台 Telegram Open

While certaindesign elements of Libra signal the potential to make it a
scalable cryptocurrency, competition may challenge efforts. The apps Signal,
Kakao and Line are reportedly pursuing similar digital currencies and Telegram
apparently has plans to launch blockchain platform Telegram Open Network.

其他技术公司,如 Alphabet、Apple 和 Microsoft (AA + / Stable)可能会寻求开发或支持竞争产品。**

It is possibleother technology companies such as Alphabet, Apple and Microsoft
(AA+/Stable)could look to develop or support competing efforts.

Apple 今年夏天推出信用卡 Apple Card 的计划是另一个大型科技公司如何转向金融服务的例子。**
亚洲竞争对手中,例如,拥有微信的腾讯(A + / Stable),已经在他们的应用中内置了金融功能。**

Apple's plan tointroduce a credit card, the Apple Card, this summer is another
example of howbig technology companies are moving into financial services.
Asian competitors,such as Tencent (A+/Stable) with WeChat, already have
financial functionality built into their apps.

美国金融科技领导者 Visa、万事达卡、PayPal 等公司已经在技术能力方面投入巨资,以便在全球范围内汇款更轻松,更快捷,更便宜。

US FinTechleaders Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and others are already investing
heavily intechnological capabilities to make it easier, quicker and cheaper to
send money globally.**

