通讯周刊#8 | 资产数字化助推金融服务与资本市场的民主化进程
This week, we have further developments on a before-covered topic, the tokenization of the St. Regis Aspen, as well as newly-announced services from our partners at Vertalo and SEBA. And, of course, we have another proprietary research report available on our site, this time about Network Value to Transaction (NVT) and NVT Golden Cross, here!
本周我们将为您介绍St. Regis Aspen酒店数字化发行项目的最新进程以及来自于RedBlock合作伙伴Vertalo 和SEBA的发展动态。另外,RedBlock研究院的最新报告《比特币网络价值与交易量比率(NVT)与NVT黄金交叉》现已在我们的官方网站正式上线,尽情阅览!
Vertalo Is Sending Out An Invite To New Digital Asset Sector Entrants
Targeting digital asset consultancies and capital markets firms, our partner and SaaS company Vertalo has just launched a free distribution network with the mission of helping new digital asset sector entrants by alleviating the cost of developing their digital asset platforms. This free platform provides “digital asset, tokenization, and cap table management” to qualified companies. An important move by Vertalo, this will allow cash-strapped companies accelerate their development, leading to a bigger, better digital asset ecosystem. More than just a robust, free platform for business development, Vertalo has said this will also serve as a “learning experience and client demo platform”. This, according to Dave Hendricks, CEO and co-founder of Vertalo, is in the pursuit of pushing the “digital asset transformation revolution”.
日前,我们的合作伙伴SaaS公司Vertalo正式面向数字资产咨询公司和资本市场公司推出了一款免费的分销网络平台,旨在通过降低数字资产平台的开发成本以帮助数字资产领域的新进入者。该平台为符合要求的公司提供“数字资产、资产数字化和cap table管理服务”。这是Vertalo的采取的一项重要举措,此举将使得现金短缺的公司得以加速发展从而有助于形成更大、更好的数字资产生态系统。Vertalo表示这不仅仅是一款强大的、免费的商业发展平台,它还将成为一个“学习体验和客户演示平台”。Vertalo首席执行官兼联合创始人Dave Hendricks表示,该平台的推出推动了 “数字资产转型革命”。

The St. Regis Aspen is Now Open to the Secondary Market
St. Regis Aspen酒店项目已对二级市场开放
In our first newsletter of this month, we covered the news that the famous property that is St. Regis Aspen was opening 19% of its property to tokenized ownership on the private market. Well, we have more exciting news about the property, as the St. Regis Aspen has now opened the same 19% to secondary market trading. This will happen through Tzero’s ATS platform. It’s befitting of a leading FinTech company that this security would also be “the first digital security trading on a regulated platform that utilizes the Tezos Blockchain.” Not only that, but this security is just the first digital security in its asset management firm, Elevated Returns LLC.’s, portfolio. To put the St. Regis security in a bit of perspective, Elevated Returns “intends to tokenize roughly $1 billion of real estate projects using the Tezos FA1.2 smart contracts in the future.” So if you thought that this development was substantial, it appears Elevated Returns has even bigger plans when it comes to asset tokenization.
在本月首篇通讯中,我们向大家报道了知名地产项目St. Regis Aspen酒店将面向私人市场开放19%物业份额的数字化所有权。现在我们向大家带来最新消息:St. Regis Aspen酒店已正式向二级市场开放了上述物业份额,项目将在业内领先的金融科技公司Tzero的 ATS平台中进行发布。该证券也将成为“首个采用Tezos区块链技术的受监管平台上进行的数字化证券交易项目”,此外它还是其资产管理公司Elevated Returns有限责任公司诸多投资组合中的首款数字证券。
从长远角度来看,Elevated Returns “未来打算使用Tezos FA1.2智能合约来对价值约10亿美元的房地产项目进行数字化标记。”这样看来,Elevated Returns在资产数字化领域还将有更大动作。
SEBA to Offer Crypto Services to Migrant Workers SEBA向移民工人提供加密业务
Our partners at SEBA have formed a partnership with Singapore-based FinTech company Lightnet Pte. in a mission to bank the unbanked. That is, through the partnership, SEBA is set to relieve people who, due to the high-costs of traditional banking services, can’t benefit from them. The main pain points here are “high transaction fees, fragmentation and unreliable payment routes.” This initiative will take place in Southeast Asia, utilizing SEBA’s asset tokenization arm, and has the potential to offer bank-equivalent services to millions. This offers up another use case for asset tokenization, this time advancing the democratization of banking services.
我们的合作伙伴SEBA与新加坡金融科技公司Lightnet Pte.达成合作,将向无银行账户人员提供金融服务。也就是说,此次合作将使SEBA为那些由于传统银行服务的高成本而无法从中获益的人群提供帮助。传统银行服务的主要痛点是“交易费用高昂、交易分散且支付方式具有不可靠性”。本合作项目将在东南亚地区展开并将充分发挥SEBA资产数字化部门的优势,该项目具有为百万人提供银行服务的巨大潜势。本次合作是资产数字化的又一用例并将助推银行服务的民主化进程。
The Upshot: 前文综述
● Vertalo is actively helping digital asset management companies by availing use of their free distribution network, with tools to develop digital asset platforms.
● The St. Regis Aspen has opened 19% of its property to the secondary market on tZero’s ATS platform; this is part of a bigger move by its asset management firm, Elevated Holdings, LLC to tokenize ~$1 billion in real estate projects.
St. Regis Aspen酒店已在tZero的ATS平台中向二级市场开放了19%的物业份额;这是Elevated Holdings资产管理有限公司目前取得的一大重要进展,据悉该公司将对价值10亿美元的房地产项目进行数字化操作。
● Our partners at SEBA have announced that they will offer crypto services to millions of migrant workers in Southeast Asia.
本周我们将为您介绍St. Regis Aspen酒店数字化发行项目的最新进程以及来自于RedBlock合作伙伴Vertalo 和SEBA的发展动态。另外,RedBlock研究院的最新报告《比特币网络价值与交易量比率(NVT)与NVT黄金交叉》现已在我们的官方网站正式上线,尽情阅览!
Vertalo Is Sending Out An Invite To New Digital Asset Sector Entrants
Targeting digital asset consultancies and capital markets firms, our partner and SaaS company Vertalo has just launched a free distribution network with the mission of helping new digital asset sector entrants by alleviating the cost of developing their digital asset platforms. This free platform provides “digital asset, tokenization, and cap table management” to qualified companies. An important move by Vertalo, this will allow cash-strapped companies accelerate their development, leading to a bigger, better digital asset ecosystem. More than just a robust, free platform for business development, Vertalo has said this will also serve as a “learning experience and client demo platform”. This, according to Dave Hendricks, CEO and co-founder of Vertalo, is in the pursuit of pushing the “digital asset transformation revolution”.
日前,我们的合作伙伴SaaS公司Vertalo正式面向数字资产咨询公司和资本市场公司推出了一款免费的分销网络平台,旨在通过降低数字资产平台的开发成本以帮助数字资产领域的新进入者。该平台为符合要求的公司提供“数字资产、资产数字化和cap table管理服务”。这是Vertalo的采取的一项重要举措,此举将使得现金短缺的公司得以加速发展从而有助于形成更大、更好的数字资产生态系统。Vertalo表示这不仅仅是一款强大的、免费的商业发展平台,它还将成为一个“学习体验和客户演示平台”。Vertalo首席执行官兼联合创始人Dave Hendricks表示,该平台的推出推动了 “数字资产转型革命”。

The St. Regis Aspen is Now Open to the Secondary Market
St. Regis Aspen酒店项目已对二级市场开放
In our first newsletter of this month, we covered the news that the famous property that is St. Regis Aspen was opening 19% of its property to tokenized ownership on the private market. Well, we have more exciting news about the property, as the St. Regis Aspen has now opened the same 19% to secondary market trading. This will happen through Tzero’s ATS platform. It’s befitting of a leading FinTech company that this security would also be “the first digital security trading on a regulated platform that utilizes the Tezos Blockchain.” Not only that, but this security is just the first digital security in its asset management firm, Elevated Returns LLC.’s, portfolio. To put the St. Regis security in a bit of perspective, Elevated Returns “intends to tokenize roughly $1 billion of real estate projects using the Tezos FA1.2 smart contracts in the future.” So if you thought that this development was substantial, it appears Elevated Returns has even bigger plans when it comes to asset tokenization.
在本月首篇通讯中,我们向大家报道了知名地产项目St. Regis Aspen酒店将面向私人市场开放19%物业份额的数字化所有权。现在我们向大家带来最新消息:St. Regis Aspen酒店已正式向二级市场开放了上述物业份额,项目将在业内领先的金融科技公司Tzero的 ATS平台中进行发布。该证券也将成为“首个采用Tezos区块链技术的受监管平台上进行的数字化证券交易项目”,此外它还是其资产管理公司Elevated Returns有限责任公司诸多投资组合中的首款数字证券。
从长远角度来看,Elevated Returns “未来打算使用Tezos FA1.2智能合约来对价值约10亿美元的房地产项目进行数字化标记。”这样看来,Elevated Returns在资产数字化领域还将有更大动作。
SEBA to Offer Crypto Services to Migrant Workers SEBA向移民工人提供加密业务
Our partners at SEBA have formed a partnership with Singapore-based FinTech company Lightnet Pte. in a mission to bank the unbanked. That is, through the partnership, SEBA is set to relieve people who, due to the high-costs of traditional banking services, can’t benefit from them. The main pain points here are “high transaction fees, fragmentation and unreliable payment routes.” This initiative will take place in Southeast Asia, utilizing SEBA’s asset tokenization arm, and has the potential to offer bank-equivalent services to millions. This offers up another use case for asset tokenization, this time advancing the democratization of banking services.
我们的合作伙伴SEBA与新加坡金融科技公司Lightnet Pte.达成合作,将向无银行账户人员提供金融服务。也就是说,此次合作将使SEBA为那些由于传统银行服务的高成本而无法从中获益的人群提供帮助。传统银行服务的主要痛点是“交易费用高昂、交易分散且支付方式具有不可靠性”。本合作项目将在东南亚地区展开并将充分发挥SEBA资产数字化部门的优势,该项目具有为百万人提供银行服务的巨大潜势。本次合作是资产数字化的又一用例并将助推银行服务的民主化进程。
The Upshot: 前文综述
● Vertalo is actively helping digital asset management companies by availing use of their free distribution network, with tools to develop digital asset platforms.
● The St. Regis Aspen has opened 19% of its property to the secondary market on tZero’s ATS platform; this is part of a bigger move by its asset management firm, Elevated Holdings, LLC to tokenize ~$1 billion in real estate projects.
St. Regis Aspen酒店已在tZero的ATS平台中向二级市场开放了19%的物业份额;这是Elevated Holdings资产管理有限公司目前取得的一大重要进展,据悉该公司将对价值10亿美元的房地产项目进行数字化操作。
● Our partners at SEBA have announced that they will offer crypto services to millions of migrant workers in Southeast Asia.
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